XPM230 Series
Single Phase Multi-Function Energy Meter

XPM230 Series

Single Phase Multi-Function Energy Meter

Key Features:

• XPM230 Modbus ( Pulsed & Modbus RTU Output)

• XPM230 MBus ( Pulsed & MBus Output)
• XPM230 Pulse ( Pulsed Output Only)
• XPM230 2T ( Dual Tariff with Pulsed & Modbus RTU Output)

• Multifunction 100A Direct Connected
• MID B+D Certified
• Four kWh Measurment Modes Selectable via Modbus


Technical Specifications

•  Phase to Neutral Voltage (V)

•  Phase Current (A)

•  Frequency (Hz)

•  Power Factor (PF)

•  Power Max Demand (MD kW)

•  Active Power (kW)

•  Reactive Power (kVAr)

•  Apparent Power (kVA)

•  Import Active Energy (kWh)

•  Export Active Energy (kWh)

•  Total Active Energy (kWh)

•  Import Reactive Energy (kVArh)

•  Export Reactive Energy (kVArh)

•  Total Reactive Energy (kVArh)

Voltage and Current
•  Phase to neutral voltages 176 to 276V a.c.

•  Imin-Iref (Max) 0.5-10(100A)

•  This meter is certified and tested at class 1 (Accurate to within ±1%). If the meter has a load smaller than the Imin
(minimum current) we cannot guarantee class 1 accuracy.

Power factor and Frequency and Max. Demand
•  Frequency in Hz

•  Instantaneous power:

•  Power 0 to 3600 MW

•  Reactive power 0 to 3600 MVAr

•  Volt-amps 0 to 3600 MVA

•  Maximum demanded power since last Demand reset Power factor

Energy Measurements
Imported/Exported active energy 0 to 99999.99 kWh
Imported/Exported reactive energy 0 to 99999.99 kVArh
Total active energy 0 to 99999.99 kWh
Total reactive energy 0 to 99999.99 kVArh
Measured Inputs
Voltage inputs through cage terminals max cable 25mm² (Torque 6nm).
Nominal Voltage Input (Ph+N) 176 to 276V
Max Continuous Voltage 120% of nominal
Nominal Input Current 0.5-10(100)A
Max Continuous Current 120% of nominal
Nominal Input Current Burden 0.5VA
Frequency 50Hz(±10%)
Voltage 0·5% of range maximum
Current 0·5% of nominal
Frequency 0·2% of mid-frequency
Power factor 1% of unity (0.01)
Active power (W) ±1% of range maximum
Reactive power (VAr) ±1% of range maximum
Apparent power (VA) ±1% of range maximum
Active energy (Wh) Class 1 IEC 62053-21
Reactive energy (VARh) ±1% of range maximum
XPM230-Pulsed Output The meter provides two pulsed outputs, both pulsed outputs are passive type.
The first pulsed output is configurable. The pulsed output can be set to read total / import / export/ kWh / kVarh. The pulse constant can be set to generate 1 pulse per: 0.001(default) /0.01/0.1/1kWh/kVarh. The second pulsed output is non-configurable. It is fixed to read total kWh.Rate can be set to generate 1 pulse per:
– 0.001 = 1 Wh/VArh (default)- 0.01 = 10 Wh/VArh
– 0.1 = 100 Wh/VArh 1 = 1 kWh/kVArh
– Pulse width 200/100/60 ms.
XPM230-Modbus (RS485 Output for Modbus RTU & Pulsed Output) For Modbus RTU, the following RS485 communication parameters can be configured from the set-up menu:

– Baud rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600.
– Parity none (default) / odd / even Stop bits 1 or 2
– RS485 network address 3-digit number, 1 to 247

XPM230-2T (Multi-Tariff RS485 Output for Modbus RTU & Pulsed Output) For Modbus RTU, the following RS485 communication parameters can be configured from the set-up menu:

– Baud rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600.
– Parity none (default) / odd / even Stop bits 1 or 2
– RS485 network address 3-digit number, 1 to 247 Multi-Tariffs




For Modbus RTU, the following RS485 communication parameters can be configured from the set-up menu:

– Baud rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600.
– Parity none (default) / odd / even Stop bits 1 or 2
– RS485 network address 3-digit number, 1 to 247

Interfaces for External Monitoring Three interfaces are provided:

– MBus
– Modbus
– Relay output indicating real-time measured energy. (configurable)

Reference Conditions of Influence Quantities
Influence Quantities are variables that affect measurement errors to a minor degree. Accuracy is verified under nominal value (within the specified tolerance) of these conditions.
Ambient temperature 23°C ±1°C
Input waveform 50Hz ±2%
Input waveform Sinusoidal (distortion factor < 0·005)
Auxiliary supply voltage Nominal ±1%
Auxiliary supply frequency Nominal ±1%
Auxiliary supply waveform (if AC) Sinusoidal (distortion factor < 0·05)
Magnetic field of external origin Terrestrial flux
Operating temperature -25°C to +55°C*
Storage temperature -40°C to +70°C*
Relative humidity 0 to 95%, non-condensing
Altitude Up to 3000m
Warm up time 1 minute
Vibration 10Hz to 50Hz, IEC 60068-2-6, 2g
Shock 30g in 3 planes
*Maximum operating and storage temperatures are in the context of typical daily and seasonal variation.
DIN rail dimensions mm x mm (WxH) per DIN 43880
Mounting DIN rail (DIN 43880)
Sealing IP51 indoor
Material Self-extinguishing UL 94 V-0